Join Us!
- Retired/Individual Member25$
- Home Base (1-person)/Secondary Business150$
- Non-Profit/Government175$
- 0-3 Full Time Employees200$
- 4-10 Full Time Employees300$
- 11-20 Full Time Employees400$
- 21-40 Full Time Employees500$
- 41-60 Full Time Employees600$
- 61-80 Full Time Employees700$
- 81-120 Full Time Employees800$
- 120+ Full Time Employees900$
Multiple Businesses/Locations: Owner of more than one business or location will have access to membership for each of the other businesses/locations for Base rate plus $150 per business.
Part-time and seasonal employees count as ½ employee. In other words, two part-time or seasonal employees equal one full-time employee. Owners should include themselves in the employee count.
Return this Form & Payment to Greater Bottineau Area Chamber of Commerce
519 Main St, Suite 1, Bottineau, ND 58318-1202